Full Name:
Present Address: City: State: Zip: How Long:
(if less than 7 years) Prevoius Address: City: State: Zip: How Long:
Phone: Email:
ARE YOU 18 YEARS OR OLDER Yes No Are you prevented from lawfully becoming employed in the U.S Yes No
Position Applied for: Date Available to Start: / /
Type of Employment Desired: Full-time Part-time Temporary Summer
Salary Desired:
THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MAY BE REQUIRED AT SOME POINT. ARE YOU AVAILABLE TO WORK THE FOLLOWING: Evening Hours: Yes No Overtime: Yes No Work schedule other than Monday through Friday: Yes No
HIGH SCHOOL (LAST ATTENDED) Address: City: State: No. of years attended: Graduated Yes No Grade avg./base e.g. 3.0/4.0 Type of degree, diploma or certification and major/ minor fields of study:
VOCATIONAL/ TECHNICAL Address: City: State: No. of years attended: Graduated Yes No Grade avg./base e.g. 3.0/4.0 Type of degree, diploma or certification and major/ minor fields of study:
COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITIES Address: City: State: No. of years attended: Graduated Yes No Grade avg./base e.g. 3.0/4.0 Type of degree, diploma or certification and major/ minor fields of study:
OTHER INCLUDE MILITARY SCHOOLS AND EQUIVALENCY DIPLOMAS Address: City: State: No. of years attended: Graduated Yes No Grade avg./base e.g. 3.0/4.0 Type of degree, diploma or certification and major/ minor fields of study:
ACHIEVEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES: Please list academic honors, memberships in honorary or professional societies:
LIST BELOW LAST FOUR EMPLOYERS, STARTING WITH LAST ONE FIRST (Please explain any gap in employment history below.)
Dates of Employment: From: / / To: / /
Company Name: Phone:
Address: City: State: Zip:
Reason for Leaving:
May we contact your current employer? Yes No
Name: Address: Business: Phone: Years Acquainted:
Have you applied here before? Yes No If Yes, give date:
**Banner Metals Group is committed to non-discrimination and equal opportunity. This commitment is both a matter of law and moral imperative consistent with our core values in which individual differences and diversity are celebrated. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, or protected veteran status.
I certify that the answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the references listed above to give you any and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release all parties from all liability for any damage that may result from furnishing same to you.
Although management makes an effort to recognize individual needs, business needs may at times make the following conditions mandatory: Overtime, Shift Work, A Rotating Schedule, or A Work Schedule other than Monday through Friday. I understand and accept these conditions of my continuing employment.
In the event of employment, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interview(s) may result in discharge. I understand, also, that I am required to abide by all rules and policies of Banner Metals Group.
I understand and agree that, if hired, my employment may be terminated by the Company at any time for any or no reason without any prior notice. No person can change the indefinite nature of this employment or guarantee me job security except in writing signed by the President of the Company.